Monday, April 27, 2009


I've been up to my ears investigating eco-fiction for children these last 6 weeks. I dream, sleep and breathe The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. The worst part is that while I'm tortured indoors, the Spring is calling to me from outside. Needless to say my weed garden is coming along nicely.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dance Life vrs. Real Life (Will they meet?)

Things have been busy in my dance/creative life. Since December I've been collaborating with a new group of dancers in Hamilton and have had the chance to perform several times. Our first show was at the OkFoodFair on James St. North as part of the James North Art Crawl in January. The performance titled, "the externalities", was a 45-minute structured improv which we performed 3 times that evening. The piece was constructed to incorporate various props that would ensure common links between the dancers. We used potatoes, scarves, suitcases, chairs, lamps, bedspreads, LED lights, and coats and hats.

So many more opportunities seem imminent too, which is helping keep this new momentum going. In the near future our group, which is nameless, will be performing an improv this Friday, Feb 13th at the Pearl Company Gallery.

On Friday night I participated in an amazing interactive performance at the Enwave Theatre at Harbourfront. It was called Dance Marathon by and what an experience: integrated performers of all kinds, a guest appearance by David Usher, and a five-hour script.

I'm piecing together ideas for a new choreography to be shown later this spring. So far we've used text to initiate movement ideas. Here's the beginning:



Friday, December 19, 2008


As the local tv channel termed it, today we experienced a snow-maggedon in Hamilton, Ontario. It really wasn't that bad, though driving on side streets wasn't successful for most. As usual, I love this sort of storm because it's a chance to catch up with the neighbours while shovelling. Being the first day of my vacation from school, it was a full day of maintaining the sidewalk and enjoying the beautiful snowy-ness that surrounded the house. I spotted two pairs of cardinals in the back yard which were really showing off today in their Christmasy red attire.

Things are brewing in the creativity department. I've got three dance projects on the brain and I'm just toying with which one to pursue first. Once again, time has flown by, and my dance/choreographic life has been pushed aside. That is, except for taking technique classes which shouldn't be underestimated as a productive and necessary part of maintaining the artist's tool, so-t0-speak. But, it's definitely time to flush out some of the ideas and new partnerships that are emerging...stay tuned.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day in Hamilton. I visited the Makers' Market in front of Christ Church Cathedral on James St. North. I walked away with a cool green tree tee (say that 3 times quickly!) and a pair of delicate earrings.

Later on, I captured the view from the corner of Chapple and Barton St.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Last Mistress

If you have a chance to see this movie, do. It's quite a portrait of a steamy, oftentimes violent (either passionate or sadistic) couple, set in the 19th century. The story is masterfully woven and does present yet another facet to "love".

Monday, September 8, 2008

The End of the Summer

The end to my summer vacation went quickly but was a lot of fun! I took a day-trip to Toronto Island with my dad where we rented a 2-seater quadricycle and got the butt-kicking of a's not so easy peddling those contraptions.

The best cultural event of the summer was the Hamilton Fringe Festival. I had a chance to see 6 plays at the Downtown Arts Centre. My top two were "Human Brilliance to the 22nd Century" and "How Does a Drug Deal Become a Third Decent Date?"

My mom and I had a chance to visit the old family cottage and drop in on the best place to eat in Elora, the Desert Rose Cafe.

I caught Valerie Tryon at the final Fieldcote Music evening. She played "Flight of the Bumblebee" as bats flew above the audience.

In Guelph I investigated site-specific locations for a possible dance project. Here are two ideas: this grouping of trees:

or this sturdy trio.

This past weekend I attended Christie's Antique Show. There were so many beautiful things and unbelievably well-behaved children. I guess they had interesting things to look at, so they were calm? The strangest thing I saw was this:

and don't you just love this bench? It was snapped up right away.

On the first day back to school, I was outside with my class and we spotted a woodpecker. A good omen I think. It's definitely not a Pileated woodpecker, maybe it's a Downy?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

All of Me

My love affair with gypsy jazz was rekindled this week when I had a chance to catch the Roberto Rosenman Quartet at the Pepperjack Cafe. They obligingly played "All of Me" upon request. Now I've found another version on YouTube at: